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What are your salary expectations?
Companies ask this to see how little you will settle for or if you are out of their price range.
👏 What they should do is actually list the salary range in the ad so you can see if their budget aligns with your expectations. But very few companies still do this.
😈 However, asking you first gives them more bargaining power.
Never do the following:
❌Say a single number
❌Tell them what you are earning right now
❌saying “what you hope for” or “what you wish for”
❌Be unprepared
❌Saying that you will accept everything
The best:
✅ Avoid giving a number first
✅ Ask for approved ranges or “salary bands”
✅ Say you are flexible
Be clear, polite and professional 😉 👏
Become a strong interview acrobat
The documents you need to become a strong Interview Acrobat are here
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